Monday, January 7, 2013


Strength. I find it to be a confusing concept. Not physical strength, but emotional strength. I'm always hearing how strong someone must be to have gone through this or that. How we should be strong in the face of adversity and hardship. As if we are strong then it won't be so bad, or will end sooner or something. I call bull.

Simply being strong isn't going to make things better or easier. In fact, in a lot of cases I think it makes things worse because in the name of 'being strong' we force feelings down and don't allow ourselves to feel things that are a normal human process to do. I think it's necessary to allow ourselves to feel. Even the negative feelings, for if we don't know what the negative feels like, how are we supposed to appreciate the positive?

That being said, I'm am certainly not saying that we should allow ourselves to wallow. Spending a night allowing yourself to indulge in self pity and get out a good cry is one thing, letting it go on for days is another, (and cause for medical treatment, really). I think that people have come to mistake being 'strong' for supporting yourself emotionally. Learning to do so is one of the greatest challenges in life.

*~*Tabby Marie*~*

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